INSTALLATION: Use of setup.exe
Though is possible to install Kcad by a double click on the file with ".msi" extension,
it is recommended to start the setup application always using a double click on the file "setup.exe".
Kcad is an application suite written using Microsoft NET Framework.
During software installation, it is possible that were necessary to install
some NET Framework updates and some C/C++ run-time libraries updates.
The install program detects automatically what libraries are needed
and if an Internet connection is available, it downloads and installs the required updates.
In order to use the Kcad programming library
for Visual Basic Application available in Microsoft Excel and other applications of Microsoft Office, it is necessary to check
the installed version of Office with related Service Packs and eventually to do some specific setting.
The minimum Office version supported by Kcad is Office 2007.
It is possible that some Office installations require the installation of a Service Pack and some partuicular settings.
In order to use the Excel template provided with Kcad, it is necessary to configure the Excel add-ins adding a reference to KcadOnExcel.xlam.
WARNING: Because in all the 64 bit systems it is necessary to install a 64 bit version of AutoCAD, also the ACE data access driver must be 64 bit.
This requirement prevents by using any version of Office at 32 bit on the same machine. The first 64 bit Office version available is Office 2010.
On 64 bit systems that do not have AutoCAD installed, it is possible to use Office 32 bit installing the 32 bit version of Kcad.
The installation of some Office versions does not install the driver for data access required by Kcad, that must be installed manually.
It is possible to download the Microsoft driver for data access for 32 bit and 64 bit computers, in italian or english,
directly from the Microsoft site at the address
Learning material for Kcad